Which Three Retailers Bridge The Generation Gap For Customer Service Excellence?
While L.L.Bean ranked supreme among this year’s Customer Service Champions overall, younger shoppers certainly express a difference of opinion. New analysis of Prosper Insights & Analytics’ 2015 Customer Service Champions reveals that both the Millennial (born 1983 – 1997) and Gen X (1965 – 1982) generations nominated Amazon.com as...
Join the American Marketing Association
Answers in action. Marketers have always turned to the AMA for the resources and information necessary to outperform — to put answers into action. Together we are achieving amazing things. We’ve built the essential community for marketers by inspiring curiosity, debate and connection. We’re a collective...
May Luncheon: What Does It Take to Thrive in the Freelance Economy?
The freelance economy is no longer a pipe dream but is coming into its own, with one in three workers in America now freelancing — and that number is expected to grow 40 percent by 2020. Find out what it takes to be successful in this...
Make the Most of Your Shoestring Budget
Instead of looking at a small budget as an obstacle--look at it as a challenge. Consider it a dare. And if your budget is non-existent, then you might want to look at it like a Double-Dog Dare. The next time your budget gets slashed (or...
April Luncheon: Liquid Storytelling
Slip-sliding along! Jeremy Hughes, founder and CEO of Elevate Pictures, tells us what it takes to stay fluid when liquid storytelling. Fragmented audiences across multiple devices and platforms require this new trend in outreach in order fully engulf them into your brand’s world. Join us for our...
Ya Gotta Have (a House) Style (Guide)
I was reading a newsletter put out by the city of Houston (note how that’s written) the other day when I noticed it constantly referred to itself as the City of Houston to differentiate the city government and city service providers from the city itself....
4 Big Career Benefits of Joining Professional Organizations
I’m a big believer in professional organizations as one of the best ways to build your network. I can’t remember when I haven’t been involved in one. From the early days of my career when I was a member of Women in Communications to my...
The Big Game Ad Review is Thursday, Feb. 11!
Teams began the season and played hard, with the playoff path leading two teams to the pinnacle of football glory. However, we all know better … we’re watching the game for the commercials! Get your game face on and join our panel of local experts...
The Coming DEPRESSION…Should Marketers be Concerned?
Depression…that word frightens consumers, business owners, and politicians to the core of their souls. Yet, for the first time in my adult life, that term was used today by Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater, and esteemed financial expert. His exact...
Congratulations to the 2015 AIM Awards Winners!
We congratulate all the winners of our 2015 Achievement in Marketing Awards! They were honored at a reception and dinner Jan. 21, 2016 at the OSU Ohio Union Performance Hall. Thank you to all who submitted their work. Watch for our 2016 Call for Entries...