
Congratulations AIM Award Winners!

What a fabulous night! Our Achievement in Marketing Awards held on Thursday, Jan. 26 at Vue Columbus celebrated excellence in all facets of marketing and communications. We were thrilled to have so many talented teams submit their work. Our winners are listed here. Congratulations to...

Cross promotion, sponsorship & partnering with other companies

Originally posted on BrainstormMediaInc.com Mother Teresa once said “I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot: together we can do great things.” Whether you’re carrying out humanitarian work or working to achieve marketing objectives, this is wonderful insight. Cross promotion, or partnership marketing is everywhere these...

Columbus Has No Offseason

Columbus is a bona fide year-round sports destination. We have no offseason and like it that way. Our city’s professional sports teams can certainly attest to that mantra. Regardless of the time of year, our local sports scene continues to defy all odds and prove why...

Seven Tips for Digital Marketing Success

The digital landscape is constantly evolving. That alone can cause many marketers to lose sleep and lose sight of what it is they are trying to achieve, especially when high expectations are met with limited budgets. That can cause many marketers to resort to unsustainable,...