
$40 Billion Extra to Share with You

$40 Billion Extra to Share with You – Marketing to Ring In the Holiday Season With the recent decline in gasoline prices, consumers are pocketing an estimated $40 billion in the fourth quarter of 2014. And, they’re itching to spend it this coming holiday season. Money Burning...

Promotional Products – Making the Right Choice

Three things you need to know before purchasing promotional products! Promotional products are the medium with the greatest ability to provide someone with the incentive to take an action. 44% of consumers favor promotional products compared to 13% for Direct Mail, 16% for TV, 14% for...

Millennials and the Difficulty of Marketing

Why marketing requires focus, discipline, and effort to be successful. What’s up with Millennials and why aren’t they buying like their Boomer parents? Restaurant store traffic is level at best if not down in 2014. According to TDn2K, through its Black Box Intelligence group that provides detailed...

Ordinary Ways for Achieving Exceptional Creativity

Creativity is a hot topic these days. Everyone from accountants to zoologists is asking: How can I be more creative—produce more ideas, better ones, and do so more quickly and reliably? Here are a few methods for keeping your thinking fresh and the ideas flowing. Master...

How to Stay Professionally Healthy for Career Success

Author Name: Angela Slezak LinkedIn: Wellness programs don’t need to be solely about health. Maintaining “wellness” in your professional life also takes time and planning. Your career, like your body, can deteriorate through neglect, unhealthy choices or an unhealthy environment. What is professional wellness? Dimensions of Wellness describes...