ContentOps by AMA Columbus

Big Game Ad Review

It’s the Annual Big Game Ad Review at Franklin University!

Mark your calendar for the fun and fantastic February Columbus AMA Luncheon on Tuesday, February 4, 2013.

32 teams began the season, played hard, and the playoff path led two teams to the pinnacle of football glory.

However, we all know better… we’re watching the game for the commercials!

Get your game face on and join our panel of local experts and moderator Johnny DiLoretto at Franklin University Phillips Hall Room 220 on Tuesday, February 4 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.

Our panelists include:

  • Dr. Doug Ross, Ph.D, Dean, Global Academic Programs, Franklin University
    Dr. Ross is a self-proclaimed marketing savant. With a passion for marketing, Dr. Ross has spent his career in a variety of settings, making his mark in both the corporate and academic fields. Through his professional work, teaching, consulting, and speaking engagements, he’s uniquely positioning himself with very versatile experience. He’s also become an internationally known speaker, making presentations on a variety of topics. This background has placed him well to become the Dr. Phil of the academic world, or as he refers to himself, Dr. Doug.
    Dr. Doug has racked up numerous marketing awards, and he loves to talk about them.Oh, yeah, he has a Ph.D. in Marketing too. He is well suited for this panel because his favorite part of television is the commercials.
  • Mark Love, Video Director, Ologie
    Mark Love was raised in Mentor, OH, a suburb of Cleveland. Since he could hold a crayon, it seems like he’s always loved telling stories with pictures, whether that was drawing, photography, or video. So after High School, Love studied illustration and sequential art at Kent State and then moved to the east coast and attended The Joe Kubert School (in Dover NJ) – where he was able to learn from some of the greats of the comic book medium.After graduating, Love spent a few years working with flat art and design, but missed the storytelling, and jumped into video full time. Things went well, the work kept coming, and he’s now been working in video and film for the last 15 years.
    In 2007, Love did a little work for Ologie – which ended up being a great opportunity. He moved back to Ohio, where he’s been working with Ologie ever since.
  • Jason Clayton, Vital Filmworks
    Jason Clayton has been a part of the Columbus business & marketing community for 20 years.  He  has extensive experience in helping companies of all sizes create content for The Big Screen, TV & Radio Broadcast, Web, Mobile, & Print.  Jason is a true entrepreneur–he is constantly driven to come up with new ideas and find the most creative way to deliver them. Also a seasoned musician, Jason has played in multiple Columbus-based bands over the past 15 years. A dedicated Columbus native, he devotes his time and services to bettering the city and promoting its national and international growth.  He works closely with various non-profits including The Columbus Foundation, Susan G. Komen Foundation and Dress For Success to name a few.  In addition he volunteers his time as a member of The Grandview Chamber of Commerce, he sits on the Ohio Dominican College PR Board and helps to organize all of the entertainment for The Komen Columbus Race For The Cure.
  • Elizabeth Campbell Firth, Soccer mom, volunteer
    Elizabeth Firth has been a resident of central OH for 23 years.  She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from The College of William and Mary and an MBA from Franklin University.  She worked in the health insurance industry as a claims examiner, nursing home administrator, and preschool teacher before becoming a stay-at-home mom 10 years ago.  She is the mother of two children, ages 10 and 7.   She volunteers with the Girl Scouts as an assistant leader and is a frequent volunteer in each child’s classroom.  During soccer season,  she finds herself on the soccer field every day as both children children have played soccer since they were each 4 years old.  In moments when she is not driving the kids around, she is knitting.

About the moderator:

Director of Operations, Johnny DiLoretto is a megalomaniacal, Columbus media personality who, in addition, to his devotion to the Gateway Film Center is also devoted to plastering his face across the film center’s screens whenever possible (see Columbusland). Alas, he must share that real estate with President and Programmer and insult-producer Chris Hamel. Johnny is also a self-loathing neurotic who hates writing his own bio.

Ticket price (members): $5 (no meal); $17 (meal)
Ticket price (non-members): $15 (no meal); $27 (meal)

Buy Your Tickets Here!

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